Constant Contact

Constant Contact, an online marketing and communications business, was struggling with its own internal communication problems. Adorning the wall with custom REVRB™ Acoustical Panels, swathed in the company colors, allowed the communication experts to better communicate with their clients about communications. 


Home Band Practice Room

For more stable acoustics while practicing, this homeowner strategically placed REVRB™ Acoustical Panels around the drum set and piano, and even mounted bookcases over them to incorporate decorative pieces into the soundproofing system.


Home Recording Studio

This Berklee graduate transformed his new pad into his own personal recording studio, using the REVRB™ Acoustical Panels to proudly display his own personal label.


Collapsible Recording Booth

Dylan Carnes is also the master rapper DC of SpliffTown Record. We built two custom REVRB™ Panels to proudly (and pragmatically) display his album covers in his home. Not only do they assist in managing the sound within his living room, they are as artistic, attention-grabbing, loud, creative, unique, energetic, colorful, and all-around extraordinary as the Master Rapper himself.  

But while his crew hangs out under images of his past work, Dylan prefers to focus on... Read More...


NewTV improved the acoustical quality of their already-state-of-the-art 42-person private studio screening room, with numerous REVRB™ Acoustical Panels diligently spaced and hung throughout the theater.


Boston Herald Radio

For their second anniversary, Boston Herald Radio has undergone a major soundproofing overhaul within their Boston-based radio station to improve the acoustics and performance on the radio, and it was done with the help of REVRB™ representative - New England Soundproofing!

Tom Shattuck, the producer from Boston Herald Radio, called REVRB™ representitive New England Soundproofing with some sound issues that needed to be corrected. The Boston Heral... Read More...